Navigating a Dark Structure: Escaping Red Halls, Finding Restroom with a Celebrity

From there I moved through the dark structure. In one hallway were clear red markings on the walls like it was a medical corridor so I turned quickly away from that to not be influenced by the negative health connotations that came with that color. At one point I was looking for the restroom, feeling lost in the corridors and confused about what the urgency was. I saw a women, a minor celebrity, also looking for the women’s bathroom and I told her about the red hall which she was grateful to know so we could avoid it. We found the women’s bathroom together.
This dream seems to suggest a sense of confusion and feeling lost in unfamiliar territory. The dark structure represents unknown places or situations that you are currently navigating. The red markings on the walls might symbolize warning signs or negative associations related to health. By turning away from the red hallway, you are consciously avoiding those negative associations.
The urgency to find the restroom may denote a need for privacy or a desire to withdraw from a particular situation. Your encounter with a minor celebrity while searching for the bathroom is interesting since celebrities often represent aspects of ourselves that we admire or aspire to be like. This encounter could be indicating a desire to seek guidance or validation from someone you admire.
Overall, this dream may be suggesting the importance of being aware of negative influences in your life and actively avoiding them. It could also be highlighting a sense of needing guidance or support as you navigate unfamiliar situations.